CASE ONE: 6-year-old eczema
“My little girl suffers from very sensitive, irritated, eczema prone skin. Her flare-ups will come on instantly and cover her arms, legs, and face. The all natural Jungle Kitty Skin Quench is all we use to help clear her flare-ups. Not only does it not burn her skin or stain her clothes, the castor oil content is medically proven to help prevent the accelerated growth of certain skin cells in eczema, giving her faster relief and a much shorter period of time to be burdened with the unsightly, itchy rashes. The best part is that it is all-natural and safe to use on a daily basis for both children and adults — as opposed to steroidal creams that can (with prolonged or frequent use) cause adrenal problems, enhance skin dryness/irritation, and build up a resistance or tolerance so severe that it must be weaned off gradually in order to not create issues. It also soothes her inflamed skin from sunburns and bug bites. And she absolutely loves the smell of it!” — JC
Here we have a client who has visible lesions from a medically undetermined skin disorder. After a consistent and prolonged use of Jungle Kitty Skin Quench, you can see that the lesions have since smoothened out. You can also see where they once were, she is left with hyperpigmentation, or darker spots where the melanin production in her skin was disrupted by the scarring. In this case, I recommend to make a paste of 1 teaspoon of turmeric, milk & raw honey to lighten these dark spots. Using this paste consistently over the course of 4 weeks will not only help lighten hyperpigmentation, it will also help reduce any inflammation caused by psoriasis, eczema, or seborrheic dermatitis.
“I have been using Jungle Kitty products for over a year now and it has been the best decision I have made for my skin health! Not only do the products work well and do what they are intended to do, the scents are to DIE for! The Magnolia scent is my all time favorite and go-to for hair oils. As someone who has tried several hair oil products, I am 100% happy with the results Jungle Kitty provides. It not only gets the job done and makes my hair smell great, but it also uses healthy ingredients that do not damage my hair! Couldn’t recommend a better quality product for your hair and skin needs! Thanks, Chels!” — AG
This was a scar from arthritis surgery. The client has been using Jungle Kitty Skin Quench on a consistent and regular basis throughout the healing process, and although the healing process is still taking place, you can see the scar is rapidly disappearing. You can also see a very visible improvement in the firmness of her skin.
case four: sun damaged skin & brittle hair
“I used Jungle Kitty Hair Oil on my curls and finally got them to shine like I’ve only been able to one time before, using a product that has since gone out of business. Only three drops and my middle-of-back length hair smelled SO good and the curls shined and weren’t greasy like silicone shine spray does, or stuck together like mousse or gel does.
I also got madly addicted to the Skin Quench and SPF in Orange Creamsicle scent!
The SPF stays on for days and it smells JUST enough so that when I am in the airplane cockpit with my crew, none of them are put off by too much scent. One of my crew is very sensitive to smells, and this one doesn’t affect him! The SPF makes my skin have a velvety, dewy look and it looks a bit tanner right after application just because of the tamanu oil that’s in it. Nice!
The Skin Quench has more healing properties, so I use it more often because it gets rid of those nasty, crusty sun damage spots on my chest. Now, my old lady skin is not showing signs of what I thought may have been the beginning of skin cancer. That makes me feel good. One side effect is that people want to hug me a lot more now, because I smell so good. I get compliments from strangers walking by me in the store or cab drivers that are a little embarrassed to tell me, but they do anyway. It’s nice. I appreciate it. More though, I appreciate how healthy my skin and hair feels and looks.
Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I can’t rock it with healthy skin and hair!” — AH