Turning A New Leaf
“When you plant something, you invest in a beautiful future amidst a stressful, chaotic, and at times, downright appalling world.”
— Monty Don

Get the skinny on the best and most functional, affordable home gym equipment for women.

Pillow Talk
A carefully curated collection of the coolest decorative pillows on the internet.

Fakes, Frauds & Phonies
“Regarding humans, I'm constantly torn between feelings of deep love & acceptance and a gut-wrenching abhorrence. At first glance and arm's length every person I meet is captivating to me in some way. They enter into my existence accepted as a blank slate...”
"Unity is what we need to make America great again... We need to stand united and with a powerful voice say, 'NO.' Or, NOTA, more specifically."
San Fran > Wine Country: Let There Be Light
“What had I been so afraid of the night before?”

Big Sur > Frisco: Sleeping with the Bugs
“They walk closer... The guy says in a very relaxed, almost homicidal tone, "Yes. Please. Let me help you..." Slight panic sets in. Isn't the zodiac killer still on the loose?”
Santa Barbara > Big Sur
“Despite feeling let down by people recently, I can't say I'm unhappy in the slightest. In fact, I've come to the realization that the relationship I have with myself is the strongest and is the one that has made me the happiest.”

Messages from "The Dude"
“Rather than opening doors, they were frantically shutting others out of elevators. The city seemed colorless and cold, reflecting the personality of its people. Everything was grey and made of concrete. I immediately missed Mexico.”

Simply Happy
“The less materials we have to guard/attend to means there’s less to think about, less weight on our backs, less to lose, less to break, less to stress over.”

Playing Catsup
“Though the holidays I spent there in Colorado were not traditional, a tad ominous, and extremely emotional, I believe them to be some of the best in my life. Not all things that are beautiful are cheerful, carefree and void of adversity.”

Embarking On The Journey of My Lifetime
“I immediately began selling my things. Day by day, my apartment started becoming more empty. I started disconnecting from these material things that I had felt some strong connection to for years. Why had I felt the need to hold on so tightly to things?”

Dealing With Doubt
“We've all had our doubts; about others, situations, ideas, ourselves... It's a perfectly human thing to feel. But it's an intangible thing that can completely destroy us.”

It Ain't Money, Honey
“I made a promise to myself when I was in 5th grade that I will always love the person staring back at me in the mirror. And if ever I don't like that reflection, I will change.”

Confessions of an anti-fashion fashion designer.
“Anti-fashion to me means I despise the predictability from season to season. I scoff at the boring, hideous fads that disguise themselves as trends and last far too long to be cool, yet never long enough to be classic. And I absolutely do not want to be a part of the "in crowd" if it means becoming a nose-raising hot head who thinks that fashion is LIFE. Because, actually, there's a lot more to life than that.”